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Christmas Party Saturday December 15,7pm for the 4 years Anniversary of Dekatur Club and to a GROUP HEALING SESSION by Raymond Storm!

You are invited to our Christmas Party Saturday December 15,7pm for the 4 years Anniversary of Dekatur Club and to a GROUP HEALING SESSION by Raymond Storm! (Donation $5) 


Love, Energy and Healing: what I know so far.

Come listen to intimate stories of Raymond’s life journey and get a Healing Group Session.

He will share gems of knowledge that helped him embrace fuller aspects of himself, release fears and heal people.  


Raymond’s life was flipped upside down when his third eye opened during a deep meditation. He began to feel energy energy and started to learn a new language, the language of Love. He could no longer hide his truth, his purpose. Raymond had to quit his job, take a leap of faith and trust the Universe could catch him. 

  Raymond Storms is a Reiki Certified Psychic Empath who is able to see, hear and feel energy. He works privately with clients in New York City helping them free themselves from energy blocks, thus allowing them to dive into the beautiful sea of Love that is waiting for all of us. Raymond has learned to live more in the present thereby reclaiming his power and he can help you do the same. As a singer who performs in cabaret, classical music, and opera, Raymond has a unique perspective on unblocking people true potential.

-DEKATUR CLUB ’s Dress Code: 

Dress Fabulous! 

No Casual, Be Bold ! 

-DONATION OF $5 at the Door.(Eris at the Door).

-You Have to bring Your Own Bottle: 

Champagne, Prosecco or White wine.

Please Do Not Bring Red Wine, Thanks .

It is too risky for my Grand-Parents’ antique chairs :)


Saturday December 15 ’s schedule:

-From 7- 8.30 pm: Cocktail, people arrival.

-At 8.30 pm: Healing Group Session by Raymond Storm.

-From 9.15 -12 pm: Cocktail and mingling.

We will be happy to see you!

Please RSVP to this email. 

(This is mandatory, Eris is at the door with the RSVP list) 




Dekatur Club’s Founder